Review of Friday Nights at Big Joe’s 2&6 Pub

Going to this North Side bar brought back a lot of fond memories. I lived just a few blocks from this Lincoln Square location so going back to the neighborhood seemed only right. The Do312 article Diamonds in the Rough the Best Dive Bars in Chicago referred me to this particular bar. What caught my attention was definitely the Friday Nights at this local watering hole. Joe’s host turtle racing for all interested parties on Friday nights. The first Race begins at 9pm and additional races are held every 15 mins after that. How does one get a stake in this amazing display of racing you might ask? A raffle is held for all races and tickets are accumulated by buying drinks. Joe’s has a full bar with plenty of space and a insane amount of turtle decor! The races are held towards the back of the bar but TV’s are tuned in to the epic race. First place winners receive a Big Joe’s Tshirt but do not get discouraged because the race continues for last place. That last place turtle (which tends to be Yolanda) wins someone a free beer! A fun time for sure and a sight to see! Check this dive bar out on 1818 w Foster Chicago, IL and check out Do312’s additional suggestions on the Best Dive bars in Chicago.
