Fresh Press Playlist #8

It’s been some time since my last Fresh Press Playlist but fear not because I am back to bring you the music you’ve been missing! This playlist is a preview of my upcoming podcast and features a Latin flavor on all tracks. I wanted to focus on music that is outside of my specific preference.

I am a Latino born to Mexican and Guatemalan parents. Music was always such a major part of every day life. At parties or on holidays there is guaranteed to be music playing. Growing up I never paid much attention to the artist or lyrics I just enjoyed listening. Now as I get older and look to expand my musical catalog and push my music taste, I go back and search artist and classic tunes. Lately I have been diving deep into cumbia and salsa.

Latin music is having a major influence on the current radio waves. Artist like Bad Bunny, J. Balvin, Ozuna, and Maluma are having an impact on pop culture and within the club scene. So my focus was to highlight these new emerging artist and include some of the classics that influenced these newer artist.

Enjoy the playlist and come back soon for my two Upcoming podcast.



Many of you might know J. Balvin from the hit Mi Gente. His album Vibras has so much energy and is packed with hits. Cuando Tu Quieras follows another banger Ambiente. The album tracklist was well organized and adds to the cohesiveness of the album. Check out Vibras for more J. Balvin.

I found this gem on Soulection Radio. Joe Kay always dropping the fire. No more words necessary. Press Play

This video always puts me in A good mood. Los Angeles Azules perform this classic with full orchestra and we are blessed by the amazing vocals from Ximena Sarinana. Cumbia classic!

Being a creative you always seem to go back to the drawing board to edit. The final product sometimes is totally different from when you start or could have minor edits. I had already finalized all tracks for the podcast until………I seen this video. Visually stunning!



-Manny P

Creative Inspiration

As a creative I often look for inspiration in nature, fashion, architecture, film, and music. Nothing gets my creative juices flowing more than seeing a well designed building or taking in nature and all it’s beauty.

My walk on State street south to Jackson Blvd provides a unique walk. Seeing all the shoe and department stores gives me a look into current fashion trends. It also gets me thinking about future style trends and how they emerge. I finish off my walk by visiting the Depaul Center’s bookstore. I always make it a point to go to the fashion section and browse. Here are some of the fashion images that I enjoyed reading about.



Documentary on a man finding courage

One of my assignments for school is to create a 5-10 min documentary on any subject. However, our teacher did challenge us to search deep into our creative brains and find a subject that is unique and non conventional for our normal demo. We learned about the classic story arc and shared possible ideas with the class. I had some possible options in mind.

I choose to reach out to Santos, a friend of a friend, who is currently on a weight loss journey. I found his story to be interesting as he documents his journey on Instagram, Snapchat, and Facebook. I was moved by the motivation Santos displays. He often works out and advises followers on healthy eating and nutrition. Seeing how far Santos has come from the first time I met him is amazing! You can tell that physically he looks happier and full of energy.

So I figured I’d give it a shot and reached out to Santos about the possible idea. Seeing as Santos is already comfortable with recording himself I figured this would be the perfect fit for my documentary. He agreed to share his story with me and we arranged some time to get together to film.

Of course we got into the details about weight loss, nutrition, and his reasons for changing his life but we also went deeper and talked in detail about insecurity, suicide, obesity, bullying, family, social media, struggle, and happiness. Ultimately, Santos found the courage and strength to make a change for himself and for his relationship.

Santos’ life has completely changed and his weight loss has had a positive impact on him and his family. What Santos is trying to achieve with his story is to show a man changing before your eyes and not just showing you the after effects of living healthy.

His story is compelling and inspiring. His story of courage will be available soon as I work to complete the documentary. If you are interested in following Santos his

ig: santos_weightloss_journey
